Sunday, January 31, 2021



Never mind when your life appears to be unsuccessful. Under God's blessing, your efforts will one day rise again like a phoenix from the ashes, like a portal of God from the depths.

Friday, January 29, 2021



Here I brood: dreaming of the days of freedom
I took for granted in my medieval times -
created and fantastic, draining water from cathedral roof
I rejoiced in looking up at heaven and
pondering down to earth.

But now I am chained
behind the twined-wires keeping my freedom out
and others in. Yet perhaps these
wired chains are for the safety of those
who visit: who knows?

All I know is that I dream of the days of freedom
the times of yore
when I was free to play and think and dream
and be myself: gargoyle-fantastic,
strong and happy. Those times are no more

But wait! Perhaps that was my destiny
to be first free: then bound
Is that not the fate of humans? To taste of the fruits of youth
and then hold their wrists out for the bonds of age?
To learn how to be humble: acceptant: at peace.

And so I ponder - many centuries have I been granted
I have seen the rain, the sun, the Fall
chased leaves, raindrops, even (at times) snow
Perhaps these years, my freedom and now my pain
have made me a reflection of human experience: a gain.

Think of me behind barbed wire
dreaming of the days of freedom.
I reflect you in these days of Covid
first free: now bound: pondering
knowing the Almighty holds the keys to our jail.

This is not forever: nothing ever is
our faith and life tell us, that God rules over this
one word and the plague is once more o'er, yet
that word has not yet been said:
be of good cheer, God is not asleep.

Whether He chooses that I go or I stay,
I know that He knows my plight every day.
So here I ponder, with light and with strength
trusting in the God Who shows mercy at great length
to every human: and (perhaps) smiles at this little gargoyle.

Be of good peace: be of good cheer
I have been here many a year.
I have seen much happen: seen years come and years go,
life is always vibrant, yet sometimes a little slow.
Yet the planet still turns, its route never shakes.

Times set to test us, illness our faith explores
yet God is there when our steps falter and fall:
so here I crouch, barbed-wire bound.
sitting and listening to the city-sound
just a gargoyle, pondering, still

still believing in the Almighty's
great Sovereign Will.
So, dear humans, learn from my fate
to be trustful and ponder all that is great:
God hears your prayer, and never will fail

Trust in His Power: and His Holy Grail.
The cup of His suffering, now from you sip,
and every drop is as a cut on the lip.
Yet this chalice is not the final you'll drink,
the Eucharist of the Saviour will save you as you sink.

So be of good cheer, all you humans today,
God will surely save us again - as was always His Way.

Catherine Nicolette Whittle

Photograph with kind permission of Lumiere volunteer A.W.