Sunday, July 18, 2021



Women prepare spices for Christ's burial

With sinking hearts and minds disturbed and sad,

They follow the rough crowd along the road,

They see the mocking soldiers, priests and guards,

They see the Master with His heavy load,

A yearning tugs their hearts, "What can we do?"

For priestly power yields naught but pain and loss

Yet clinging to vain hope, they follow still - 

Those brave and faithful women of the Cross.

And even when their feeblest hope is dead,

The temple veil is rent, His Spirit gone.

And all seems dark, the Master's tomb is sealed

And doubly watched - their glorious faith lives on.

They take their herbs, His Body to embalm,

Roll back the stone! The stone that speaks of doom,

But Mary hears a voice - the living Christ

Has justified the women at the tomb.

And so throughout the passing of the years

Has God been speaking oft to womankind,

And by a mother's word - a mother's love

Has saved some wand'ring soul to sin resigned;

And many Marys and their sisters true

Have, through a ministry of love outpoured,

Been faithful to those brave and saintly few

And proved themselves true women of the Lord.

                                                    Douglas Blain

Faith for Daily Living, Number 491 - March/April 2019, Page 3

 From"The Cross in Poetry and Prayer" ed. A.C. Blain



"It has been a long day. Jerusalem is packed with Passover guests.

The disciples enter, one by one, and take their places around the table. On the wall hangs a towel. And on the floor sits a pitcher and a basin. Any one of the disciples could volunteer for the job, but not one does.

After a few moments, Jesus stands and removes His outer cloak. He wraps a servant's girdle around His Waist, takes up the basin and kneels before one of the disciples. He unlaces a sandal and gently lifts the foot and places it in the basin, covers it with water, and begins to bathe it. One by one, one grimy foot after another, Jesus works His way down the row.

I looked for a Bible translation that reads, "Jesus washed all the disciples' feet except the feet of Judas", but I couldn't find one. What a passionate moment when Jesus lifts the feet of His betrayer and washes them in the basin! Within hours the feet of Judas, cleansed by the kindness of the One he will betray, will stand in Caiaphas' court.

Behold the gift Jesus gives His followers! By morning they will bury their heads in shame and look down at their feet in disgust. And when they do, He wants them to remember how His Knees knelt before them and He washed their feet. He wants them to realize those feet are still clean. 'You don't understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later" (Jn 13:7).

Remarkable. He forgave their sin before they even committed it. He offered mercy before they even sought it." 

Max Lucado.

From "Faith for Daily Living", Number 491 - March/April 2019 Page 2. (Reproduced from The Messenger, St John's United Church, Pietermaritzburg)



"Breathe in the life of God by praying."

Lesli Anderson (Minnesota)

From "Upper Room Daily devotional guide May - June 2006" page 31



                 The altar’s light

(Bl. John Henry Newman)“The foundations of the round world shake; but the altar’s light burns ever brighter.”

We may fear as the coronavirus takes its toll, wars and strife cause damage and death and every day is a challenge. But through it all, the light at the altar burns steadily on, reminding us that Jesus Christ within the Blessed Sacrament is there. God is still in control. Our destiny lies in heaven with Him. 
One day we will look back on all the turbulence and anxieties of this life as if at a dream. Did it really happen? It went by so swiftly.
So take heart! Look at the lamp at the altar and remember what it symbolizes! He is here among us, the Son of David, the King of the Universe.
Let nothing disturb us. Nada te turbe (St Teresa of Avila).
All shall be well. (Mystic Julian of Norwich)
We can depend on this.
Our salvation was won by the drops of blood from our Divine Saviour Who gave everything, even His own Life, for us.

With such a Saviour, who can fear?
If you have sin on your soul, just turn to Him and say sorry. Ask His forgiveness. Then go, and sin no more.
If you have anxiety, hand it to Jesus, ask Him to help you, and then go and rest.
If you have family who misbehave, place them under the protection of the Precious Saviour, His Mother Mary and His Foster-Father Joseph.
If you have no home, ask the Good Lord to help you find one.
If you have lost someone, pray for the repose of their soul and know that the Lord of infinite kindness and mercy WILL hear your prayer.

Be of good cheer. We will still win through . . . 


"Jesus does not distance Himself from His people. He is not unapproachable. He created us because He delights in our fellowship and He wants to be our Friend! He wants to be near us, and He wants us to love Him too.

Jesus is our faithful Friend. We will never find anyone more committed to us, more willing for us to succeed, and more able to help us become all that we are capable of being.

As we fellowship with Him, our lives embrace a richness and depth that encourages us to live lives worthy of the servants and friends of the King."

Lynette Douglas. My Little Book about JESUS, 2005. Christian Art Gifts RSA. Page 83



"I no longer call you servants,

because a servant does not know

his master's business.

Instead, I have called you friends,

for everything that I learned

from My Father I

have made known to you."

- John 15:15 -



"When Jesus came to live on earth He brought a new dawn - the dawn of a day that will never end and will always be flooded with the Light of the radiant Presence of God. He brought the Light of God's eternal day into the world that was covered by the darkness of sin.

When Jesus rose as the Sun of Righteousness in our midst, He brought with Him health and healing and all that is needed for us to live in the Light of God. He revives us, as a man is revived when he sees the sun rising after a long, dark night.

When His light dawns in our lives, we are refreshed and renewed, and we find strength to face each day."

Lynette Douglas. My Little Book about JESUS, 2005. Christian Art Gifts RSA. Page 103


 "I, Jesus, have sent

my angel to give you

this testimony for the churches.

I am the Root and

the Offspring of David,

and the bright Morning Star."

- Revelation 22:16 -