Sunday, August 1, 2021



Creation - and the Spirit of God danced over the face of the waters . . . (Genesis 1:2)

The Angels dance

     at my feet

          Saith the Lord;

These great Mighty Spirits

    Like wafts of wind

         from the mountain-tops,

             sparkle across the universe near my feet

In rainbowchequered colours of love,

        hymn, worship, honour, praise

In an ecstasy of love and bliss

    and pouring out of spirit before me,

         enfolding me, enwrapping me,

                turning me, enchanting me

Casting handfuls of stars throughout eternity and

            The misty darkness and the radiating lightfulness

                  of the universe in a cascade of goldenshower

                     and praise, mighty beings in ecstasy of

                          lovingprayer and praise and mindfulworship

                                of love and the song and hymn

                                      of its beauty and enchantingmysteriousness

                                           is joyous in my sight,

                                                  Saith the Lord.

My mystics bow and dance, and sing, and hum,

            and turn in chiffonsilks of golden prayer and praise

                 before me, and anchoresses and anchorites

                      and writers and gospel-authors and musicians

                           and pray-ers and theologians and Mass-

                               celebrators and carpenters and cobblers and 

                                    jugglers and nurses and doctors and

                                         poets and orchestra-players and barrow-owners

                                              and orangesellers and veterinarians

                                                     dance before my feet,

                                                            Saith the Lord.

And as my Mighty Lord says this to me

        In splendour and wonder and delight and love and

               happiness I see the whole universe begin to

                    gyrate and turn, and twist, and revolve in

                         dark and showerstarred light.

And I whirl before the place of my Lord,

    Softly; softly; all falls quiet

        And the universe settles

             And the beings silence

                  And I dance; dance; oh, I dance and

                        I sing before my Lord.

And He smiles,

      face of joy,

           as I dance in spirit and

                the love of God twists and turns in mighty

                    songs of light and vapours of love and

                         beauty of soul.

                              God the Almighty is One.

And at the end

      He - my mighty Lord -

          turns His Hands,

                and begins to dance,

                       The dance of His creation.

And, as He dances

        We - his created - 

              rejoice at the beauty, and the joy

                   and the innocence of it all - 

                        The innocence of my Lord.

The Angels dance

      before my feet -

            Saith the Lord.

Catherine Nicolette Whittle