Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The shadows begin their lugubrious dance,
a reaction to the descending
fire's flickering flame.
The sated clouds,
gorged with water,
wait for Nature's thunderous symphony
to signal their release
the storm growls
like a primitive creature
about to demonstrate its power.

I stand alone
marvelling at the terrifying
beauty of God's clash of Nature
I know I'm wrong
to appoint myself an unsheltered witness
of the beauty of an African storm.

I feel like a view
of an artist at work,
an expression of unparalleled passion
without the help of Man.
It takes no heed of my unwanted presence,
This battle has existed
long before Man
and will continue to prevail long after.

I turn my back
on the grey roof,
blocking out the stars,
jealous of their eternal beauty.
I ought to feel afraid,
yet I feel firm,
for I was for a moment
part of the beauty of an African storm.

Lumiere Volunteer AW

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