Sunday, May 11, 2014


     The Miracle of my Ear . . . 
         touched, healed, whole
            by the Hand of the Man from Galilee. 

A moment ago I was here, unbelieving

    ready to take him hostage;
       and now I kneel, in the dust,
         disbelief written over my face
            hands clutching my ear, the
               blood still there from the
                 agonising swordcut;
                    and now healed; whole.

As I said. I was an unbeliever, a moment ago.

   Now I kneel, a believer. My eyes wide,
       surprised as they take Him.
          And leaving me behind; healed. whole.

Catherine Nicolette Whittle

Matthew 26;

With thanks to Biblegateway

A SILENCE full of bells

This selection of Marian praise poetry by nun-poets will be made available in a series of blog posts which will follow shortly.

full of bells

a selection of Marian praise poetry
by nun-poets

compiled and presented by Lucia A Whittle
foreword by Margaret M Raftery
first printed by Little Flower Press, Virginia 9430, South Africa, 2000AD

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A SILENCE full of bells

full of bells

a selection of Marian praise poetry
by nun-poets

compiled and presented by Lucia A Whittle
foreword by Margaret M Raftery

first printed by Little Flower Press, Virginia 9430, South Africa, 2000AD


Why are you so afraid, little church?
       crouched so young and new on a green hillside?
hear the sounds of fresh young singing drift from your
       new wooden eaves
          there is no need to be frightened.
The blood of martyrs is your growth
          the sign of the Virgin your word of wisdom

Why are you so lonely, church?

      look! light your candles in all your joyous windows
open your doors wide and spill the lamplight
     onto the greengrass
   for Jesus stands without, protecting you with      homespun cloak from the morningrain
he protects you from the ravening wolves

so rejoice, church

Catherine Nicolette Whittle