Monday, December 26, 2016


In the phrase "seventy-seven times",
Jesus was referring to Genesis 4:24, 
where Lamech thirsted for revenge.
Seven is a significant number in
the Scriptures, symbolizing
completeness. As thirsty as Lamech
was for revenge, so thirsty must
the disciple of Jesus be for forgiveness.
Forgiving the unforgivable helps to 
stop the earthly cycle of revenge from 
one generation to the next.


We are called to apprenticeship 
in the service of God,
in order to learn who it is 
we are really meant to be.
Jesus companions us 
on this journey.


We follow a Jewish rabbi Who was willing
to go to His death rather than raise
a fist in violent resistance.
As His followers, our hands are meant for healing.
For blessing, not striking.
For comforting, not hurting.
For nurturing, not stealing.
For caring, not unkind actions.

Let us be worthy to follow the Son of God
made man. He showed us the way:
if it were easy, He would not have needed
to come in order to give us both
example and hope when our personal
cross weighs most heavy, our tears flood our eyes
and the road to God seems at times too
heavy to be borne.

It isn't. He - the Christ, the Son of the Most High -
stands at our side waiting to help us carry
our cross as Simon of Cyrene helped Him to
carry His. Be of good cheer and courage -
it is possible to live this life without hurting 
others. It takes courage, conviction and a lot of patience. With grace from God it can be done.


Martha asked Jesus to confirm with her
that Mary's role as woman precluded 
her from rabbinic priestly instruction
and discussion at the feet of the Rabbi;
and to oblige Mary formally to the 
role of assistant servant and cook.
Jesus refused, gently rebuking
Martha for her short-sightedness.

The discussion continues today.
Many believe the second created
to be a gender defined by humble
service and child rearing to the
exclusion of the intellectual
and passionate following of
the Rabbi Christ.

Jesus clearly showed women
that to follow Him with dedication
and in study at His Feet
is not only wise, it is blessed.

With thanks to Youtube


Jesus has not merely told us what human beings, created in God's Image, were meant to become.
He has shown us.


Crushed from the depths of my suffering,
I turn my face to my Lord.
Groaning aloud from the depths of my misery -
If this is what it means to be human;
   then let me die.

Then out of darkness flowers a tiny hope
       planted there by the maiden.
She, too, stood there at the foot of her Cross
  Watching her hopes being crucified;
       seeing the buried fears of her years
           being finalised.

She knew the depths of despair,
     every agony of the human heart;
betrayed, suffering from the vice of others, 
     disappointed, hunger, fear, pain
and triumphantly she conquered
      through the sun of her conviction.

Come, O Maiden-Mother,
   come into this sad, lost heart of mine,
imprint it with the flower of your spirit,
pour out the fragrance of your humility, and 
touch it with the delicacy of your submissiveness, 
glorify it with the splendour of your love.

Unfurl within my anguished spirit
     the beauty of the Imago Dei* within me -
raise the flag of victory of faith over the darkness
    of despair and faltering blindness
      of vision.
Break within me the bread of your Son,
      the Spirit, that gives life;
pour out within me the wine of the Christ-one
      flowing from me through the wounds of my life

so that, chastised, I may become humble,
    as He, and you, are humble,
so that purified, I may become the chalice of His offering,
carved out by suffering, engraved with His teaching,
    chased with His image, embossed by His love,

so that, one day, dear Mother,
    I may become very like you,
      in that I too - heard His Word,
and - inspired by you - learned - like a little child -
to hear it
and - led by you - learned to follow it,
and - taught by you - learned to teach it,
and - loved by you, learned to love it.

O Mary, dearest one,
    O Mary, gentlest one - 
             teach me to become like you.

Sister M Catherine
Africa. Undated


*Image of God

From 'A Silence full of bells'


The power of God irradiating
      around a blinding figure
        of Mary, the Gospa* Virgin
transmuting the grace of God
         through the medium of her being
as a windsong rustles through the flute.

The windsong of mercy; of compassion, and love
       of intense Spirit-energy and flowing freedoms from sin
the windsong of the Christborn
      symbolised by stable; simplicity; and humbleness
superb in selflessness; in glory; in love.

And her; the shining light
       of centuriesaged wisdom and brokenhearted love
the lamp of the Davidlineage and the facestamp of her mother
    bearer of God's lamp of Light, hopeful through the ages.

She strides, tender-shod, terrible-footed
      tender to the weak, mighty to the hopefilled.

A powerful woman;
   her power being her humility,
her tranquillity,
   her simplicity.

Sister M Catherine
Africa; Undated

*Croatian name for the Blessed Virgin

From 'A Silence full of bells'


"Ave Maria"
         the gentle words
               fill my soul
I remember watching the miraculous water
       tinkle in the lighted dusk at Lourdes
winding pathways of flame marking the processions
       the mothdark softness of the earlyevening
         the glimmer of white statue in the
           frowning mystery of the grotto.

the sputter of dying candles
        and the peace of a new-found faith
           gently touched into life
                by the even gentler virgin.

Used with permission

With thanks to Youtube


A glorious Castilianrose
      a colour-blushed patched cloak,
a smiling girl, laughing for joy
     her laughter falls like raindrops
         her smile shimmers in the air,
imprint your face on the cloak of my heart,
       our lady of Guadeloupe.

A patchedcloaked old peasant, with perfumed roses
     a glimpse of heaven
          amidst our poverty
A doubting bishop, a heaven-sent morning,
        a young smiling girl, singing with love.

Used with permission