Wednesday, March 29, 2017



Mary sang like falling snow
and loved like violins
at the wedding of love and sorrow
in Bethlehem.

Angels crashed bewildered skies
and stars blazed into hymns,
but Mary looked in Jesus' eyes
in Bethlehem.

The night got down upon its knees,
the moon with wonder dimmed
when Mary laid her Jesus down
in Bethlehem.

Back in the bright and noisy inn,
the keeper's head was grim
for Mary's face burned in his heart
in Bethlehem.

And all love has a wound in it,
but joy with tears can limn
since the wedding of love and sorrow
in Bethlehem.

Mother M Francis PCC
Friar. December 1957
Used with permission

From 'A Silence full of bells'


(Concerning Seven other Sorrows)

They said: "He has a devil!" Jesus - whom you
had known announced by angel, had heard sung
by sky-flung host of angels on that night
in Bethlehem, and would hear told by angels:
"Risen! He is risen. Not here, He!"
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

Or when familiar brow of hill grew furrowed
to knolls of anguish that men should lay claim
on nature's loyal innocence to cast Him
over and down, lest sound of truth be heard
by townsmen of Him, traitorous cousinry,
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

Counted over and over in your loving
were twelve, a dozen in solicitude
of you for them; food, sandals, lodging rest.
before the Supper was not intuition
already, Mother, yours? One shall betray Him.
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

What sword of sorrow pierced your listening love,
to hear Him cry: "I thirst" who once had nursed Him
with substance of yourself? What now to give
save substance of your willing of your Cross-stand
improvident but for love's partnering.
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

"Let Him come down! He cannot save himself!"
How cruel drumbeats on your memory,
O Mother of many liftings to your breast
a Child too small to save himself from falling,
grown now to cross's hoisting past your arms.
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

That was the whole world's weeping face laid in your
Pieta'-ed lap when Peter's face went down
into your lap of mercy and you were
first made Queen of Confessors to first pope
needing your healing hand on memory.
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                                  first ran our wine of joy.

We search our joy and find its price too high.
Wine without treading down's the drink we seek,
and all in vain unless you teach us, Mother:
                                                                          It was the crushed grape of your heart 
                                first ran our wine of joy.

Mother M Francis PCC
Summon Spirit's Cry. San Fancisco:Ignatius Press.
(c) 1996. Mother M Francis PCC. All rights reserved. 
Used with permission

From 'A Silence full of bells'



When thou mad'st God a flesh to wear
and gave Him two small eyes to see
earth-craft He did some aeons back,
thou madest laughter, too, Marie.

Our mirth grew strong within thy womb
along with that small Saviour sweet,
and all our songs were born that night
a little God lay at thy feet.

Sorrow we had full-plenteous
without thee, and we found the way
of lonely pain with never need
for thy dear hand to beck or stay;

But singing and laughter only came
when thou agreedst to queen the earth
and heavens too, with mothering
alike our Saviour and our mirth.

Cause of our music and our glee,
Lady, our joy glows all from thee!
Mother of all felicity
that ever wast or shall e'er be.

Mother M Frances PCC
Cord. January 1956
Used with permission

From 'A Silence full of bells'



Swifter than jet-cleaved air is ribboned, love flies
by flawless automatics of the heart
back to this hour, girl, and angel, curving
wings of its own against her lifted face.

Here is the home of ours and of ages
toward which time groped, and flowing eternities.
Ever will love return and close this hour,
warm on its starkest cry and brightest song.

Haven and hangar built by God for hostel
on the macadam bleakness of whatever
threatens or comes, love praises best this hour
with petals of silence strewn along its lintel.

Mother M Francis PCC
Spirit. 1962-63
Used with permission

From 'A Silence full of bells'

Sunday, March 12, 2017



Where tortured atoms writhe beneath the scalpel
of our investigations, I see her coming,
branches of flowering pity in her arms,
healing the day with glances. And the atoms
fall down to kiss her feet, and are made whole.

I hear the clash of prophecies converging
on the faint stir of Life beneath her heart
down our loud boulevards, I see her coming.
lift up your heads! Blow all your factory whistles!
and point the hour on your telechrons!

Not to Ain Karim.* To the laboratories
where astronauts sit trim in new space jackets,
I see her coming, space held in one hand,
her smile forgiving all the bright moon-rockets
their errors, with the moon beneath her feet.

Girl of Isaias' vision, could he see you
carry your Son into our plastic jungles
and cure our tuneless music with your singing?
Hour Isaias never dreamed is striking;
under the neon lights, I see her coming!

Lift up your heads! You tall TV antennae,
lean down and prostrate for her coming! Jet planes,
hum the glad antiphons of our redemption.
Once over hills, now through the chromium maze,
the young girl light with Child shall come and save us.

Mother M Francis PCC
Spirit. 1962-1963
Used with permission

*Traditionally the home town of Mary's cousin Elizabeth.

From 'A Silence full of bells'



O gentle maid, O lovely-hearted woman,
sprung from the seed of patriarchs and kings,
conceived immaculate,* divinely destined Virgin!
O mystic rose, the overshadowing Wings

Above thy listening soul stood on that day
when God leaned down to touch His earth with grace,
and planted in thy womb, its tendrils curled,
the living Vine of love; thy radiant face
was rapture-thrilled. The careless world went on
nor knew the miracle was wrought. Thy word,
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord! His will
be done," a breathless heaven, adoring, heard;

and knelt unto its tabernacled God
made flesh beneath thy pure heart's virgin-shrine
forever blessed and reverenced art thou:
Love's covenant and pledge, Love's seal and sign.

Sister M Faith OP
Anthonian. April 1957

*Reference to the Catholic teaching that the Blessed Virgin was free from the stain of original sin from the moment of her conception

From 'A Silence full of bells'



As eyes that love grow tender after tears,
so sorrow gives the hand a gentle touch;
then, Mother of all Sorrows, still the fears
that hold the world in unrelenting clutch.
Sustain the weak, and calm unquiet hearts
and minds as restless as the shifting sand.
more potent far than all the finer arts,
is vibrant language of the heart and hand.
O give them courage now to dig the field
and gather fruits of labour, trusting God.
Beyond all thought will be the harvest yield;
for lifeless wheat will blossom at His nod,
as limpid water crimsoned into wine,
to show the power of the Living Vine.

Sister M Eulalia
Commonweal. March 1934

From 'A Silence full of bells'



You are the one oasis
from which sprang forth
that Stream
which fructifies all life.

You are the calm oasis
where our nomadic souls
find rest
and are lulled again to sleep
by whispering of His will.

You are the fruitful oasis
in our desert of sparsity
for to you we raise
our tired hands of sorrow
to beg for the Fruit of your womb.

Sister M Ethna OSF
Cord. November 1966

From 'A Silence full of bells'



Mary has fallen 
gentle seed to earth
that a new plant of life glorious
might rise triumphant.

Seven times has she planted in sorrow*
and watched it blossom joy.
Oh - we have known her beauty
because her seed has fallen.

Each sorrow held her
within a canyon of silence
but God entered her valley
to sing His fiat of glory.

Sister M Ethna OSF
Cord. August 1961

*Reference to the Blessed Virgin's seven sorrows: [1] the prophecy of Simeon, [2] flight into Egypt, [3] the loss of Jesus, [4] the meeting with Christ on His way to Gethsemane, [5] standing at the foot of the cross while Jesus died, [6] taking down Christ's body from the cross and [7] the burial of Jesus.

From 'A Silence full of bells'

FLYING BIRDS On the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption

On the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption

In a compact body, keeping perfect rhythm,
above the smoking factory chimney's crest,
regardless even of the beauty of the green fields,
waving trees, and joyous, shouting children,
the birds circle the heavens in their morning flight.

So, surely, must the Angels have borne aloft
Our Lady on that first Assumption Day!

Intent on the beauty of Him on whom they desire to look,
they ignore the things of earth and gaze on her
whom clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet,
they bear to joyful reunion with her Son - 
with Him who is also her God.

Sister M Denis OP
Tablet. 19 August 1961

From 'A Silence full of bells'



How dear it was that Nazareth night,
your heart all trembling with delight
when all eternity stood still
and seraphs hung with bated thrill
to wait upon your will,
sweet Lady.

Your burning heart with rapture stirred
the Father's still unuttered Word,
the Spirit's outpoured fire became,
upon the accents of your Name,
an alabaster Flame,
sweet Lady.

Down, down that midnight's depthless sea,
mid paeans of soundless melody
eternity had come to rest
timed to the heart beats of your breast,
close to the Word made Flesh,
Sweet Lady.

Sister M Consolata VHM
Ave Maria. 23 March 1957

*Feast of the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary that she would bear the Christ-Child

From'A Silence full of bells'



Here is May come softly in,
sing unto my Lady,
robin shout with cheerful din,
sing unto my Lady.

Here is May all gaily dressed,
smile upon my Lady,
purple lilac at her breast,
smile upon my Lady.

Here is May, sweet-scented, fair,
bow before my Lady;
apple blossoms in her hair
bow before my Lady.

Sister M Consilia PHJC
Catholic World. May 1947

From 'A Silence full of bells'

Thursday, March 2, 2017



During Lent Christians celebrate the Stations of the Cross in devout commemoration of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the first Good Friday.  Present at Christ’s journey to his death was the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Watching her Son die, she suffered with him.  To the melody of the ancient Stabat Mater hymn, the following lyrics may be sung:

First Station: Jesus is condemned to death
Though he knew that Christ was blameless
Pilate in a deed most shameless
To the cross him did condemn

Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross
With contempt the rabble varmints
Robed the King in royal garments
To deride his royalty

Third Station: Jesus falls the first time
Weakened by the brutal flaying
Yet the wicked rule obeying
Jesus fell beneath the cross

Fourth station: Jesus meets his mother, Mary
When he met his holy Mother
Who had served him as no other
Eyes at eyes in silence gazed

Fifth Station: Simon helps Jesus carry the cross
Seeing Jesus in his meekness
Tremble from exhausted weakness
Simon helped him bear his cross

Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
The image of his holy face
Never after was erased
From Veronica’s soothing cloth

Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time
For the second time he stumbled
Flattened by the cross he crumbled
Yet he rose despite the pain

Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem
Mothers of Jerusalem
Wept until he counselled them:
Save your weeping for your own

Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time
Once again he tripped and fell
Still amid the taunts of hell
Rose and bore the cross again

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments
Lily of all purity
How they shamed thy dignity
When they tore thy garments off

Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Hideous nails through hands and feet
Still the Lamb refused to bleat
As his mother‘s heart was pierced

Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross
When she stayed close by his side
For the time until he died
She sustained him by her love

Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross
When they took him down they laid him
In her arms a cradle made him
For her Son, the King of kings

Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the sepulchre
Joseph’s sepulchre received him
He was dead – yet she believed him
Three days on he rose from death

Luky Whittle - 1998


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