Monday, December 26, 2016


The power of God irradiating
      around a blinding figure
        of Mary, the Gospa* Virgin
transmuting the grace of God
         through the medium of her being
as a windsong rustles through the flute.

The windsong of mercy; of compassion, and love
       of intense Spirit-energy and flowing freedoms from sin
the windsong of the Christborn
      symbolised by stable; simplicity; and humbleness
superb in selflessness; in glory; in love.

And her; the shining light
       of centuriesaged wisdom and brokenhearted love
the lamp of the Davidlineage and the facestamp of her mother
    bearer of God's lamp of Light, hopeful through the ages.

She strides, tender-shod, terrible-footed
      tender to the weak, mighty to the hopefilled.

A powerful woman;
   her power being her humility,
her tranquillity,
   her simplicity.

Sister M Catherine
Africa; Undated

*Croatian name for the Blessed Virgin

From 'A Silence full of bells'

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