Monday, December 26, 2016


We follow a Jewish rabbi Who was willing
to go to His death rather than raise
a fist in violent resistance.
As His followers, our hands are meant for healing.
For blessing, not striking.
For comforting, not hurting.
For nurturing, not stealing.
For caring, not unkind actions.

Let us be worthy to follow the Son of God
made man. He showed us the way:
if it were easy, He would not have needed
to come in order to give us both
example and hope when our personal
cross weighs most heavy, our tears flood our eyes
and the road to God seems at times too
heavy to be borne.

It isn't. He - the Christ, the Son of the Most High -
stands at our side waiting to help us carry
our cross as Simon of Cyrene helped Him to
carry His. Be of good cheer and courage -
it is possible to live this life without hurting 
others. It takes courage, conviction and a lot of patience. With grace from God it can be done.

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